Wednesday 9 February 2011


Overall in the time we have spent at college on wednesdays is one of my favorite days of the week, it turned out how I wanted it to, exploring different areas of art and digital art has really benefited me with my knowledge of the industry etc. and I've had quite a lot of fun doing so and meeting some great people along the way.

We started out with Marie, which was the graphical side of it collaborated with Photography. We designed CD covers, posters and flyers for our make-believe band if you like, this was my favorite area up to now as graphic design and editing photo's is something I am really familiar with, despite the inconvenience of having to upload it all onto a blog, it has it's benefits and I do prefer it to cutting things out and copying it all up in a sketch book.

We first started out with CD covers, and were given the task of having to use a picture that was randomly selected by Flickr, This proved successful as I got some really nice pictures to work with. To create a CD cover I used Adobe Photoshop, applied gradient tints and various other layer styles and grunge textures, these were all my favored options when creating all the ones I did

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